20 May Motorcycle Accident Statistics
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
The Attorneys at Cycle Law deal with all kinds of motorcycle accidents, ranging from minor collisions to crashes that result in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. With our years of experience, we know that motorcycle driving is much more dangerous than driving a passenger car or light truck. The numbers behind motorcycle accidents statistics can be shocking, especially for uninformed motorcycle drivers who do not know the risks they take every time they go out on the road.
Accident Statistics
With no restraints, protective cages, or airbags, motorcycles are much more dangerous than the average automobile. While motorcycle riders have become more conscious about wearing safety equipment, the number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities has increased over the last several years. Here are the basic motorcycle safety numbers as reported by the United States Department of Transportation.
In 2010, motorcycle fatalities rose 0.7 percent from 4,469 in 2009 to 4,502 in 2010.
58 out of every 100,000 motorcycles were involved in a fatal crash in 2009, compared to 13 out of every 100,000 light trucks or passenger vehicles. This makes it more than four times as likely that a motorcycle driver will be involved in a fatal accident than an automobile driver.
106,000 motorcycles were involved in crashes in 2009.
Per mile travelled, motorcycle drivers and passengers are 25 times more likely to die than automobile drivers and passengers, and more than 5 times more likely to be injured.
In 2009, approximately 90,000 motorcycle riders or passengers were injured in a motorcycle crash.
The Type of Motorcycle Makes a Difference
According to the Insurance Institute for Highways Safety, riders with “super-sport” motorcycles are involved in fatal accidents more than 4 times as often as operators with cruisers, touring motorcycles, dirt bikes, and choppers. Super-sport motorcycles are constructed of lighter materials and have more powerful engines. These motorcycles can often reach speeds of up to 190 miles per hour. Super-sport bikes are more likely to be driven by drivers under 30. Super-sport motorcycles also average 22.5 deaths per every 10,000 registered vehicles.
Rush Hour = Deadly Hour
Your chances of being killed or injured in a motorcycle accident increase if you drive at rush hour or at any time after dark.
The National Highway Safety Administration reports that about 23 percent of weekday motorcycle accident fatalities, and 27 percent of injuries, occur between the hours of 3 pm and 6 pm. On the weekends, 6 pm to 9 pm is the most dangerous time for fatal accidents, while 3 pm to 6 pm is the most dangerous time for injury-causing accidents. In all, about 60 percent of motorcycle accidents occur after sunset.
Who Is At Fault?
Motorcycle accident statistics reveal just how dangerous these vehicles are. They can also lead motorcycle drivers to conclude that they are at least partially at fault when they are involved in an accident. If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, don’t let these statistics stop you from talking to the Cycle Law Attorneys. You need advice from experienced lawyers who can evaluate your case and give you legal advice based on your individual situation.